And the glory.
the glory of the Lord
Shall be re - veal - ed and the glory the glory of the Lord
Shall be re - veal'd, and the
glo - ry the glo - ry of the Lord shall be re - veal - ed
And all flesh shall it together
For the mouth of the lord hath spoken
and all flesh shall see it to - geth - er
and the glory the glory of the Lord
and all flesh shall see it to - geth - er the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
for the mouth of the Lord hath spo - ken it, hath---- spo ----- ken it
and the glo --- ry the glo - ry the glo - ry of the Lord
shall be re - veal - ed
and all flesh-------shall see it to - geth - er to geth - er for the mouth of the Lord hath spo - kenit,
for the mouth of the Lord-------- hath spo - ken it
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UPLOADED ON Jul 03, 2021
Handel And the Glory of the Lord
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