O, Divine Redeemer Lyrics
Plea for Mercy
Ah! Turn me not away,
Receive me tho’ unworthy;
Hear Thou my cry,
Behold, Lord, my distress!
Answer me from Thy throne.
**Call for Divine Aid**
Haste Thee, Lord, to mine aid,
Thy pity show in my deep anguish!
Let not the sword of vengeance smite me,
Though righteous thine anger,
O Lord! Shield me in danger, O regard me!
On Thee, Lord, alone will I call.
**Petition for Forgiveness**
O Divine Redeemer!
I pray Thee, grant me pardon,
And remember not, remember not my sins!
Forgive me, O Divine Redeemer!
**Cry in Desperation**
Night gathers round my soul;
Fearful, I cry to Thee;
Come to mine aid, O Lord!
Haste Thee, Lord, haste to help me!
Hear my cry! Save me, Lord, in Thy mercy;
Come and save me, O Lord.
**Final Supplication**
Save, in the day of retribution,
From Death shield Thou me, O my God!
O Divine Redeemer, have mercy!
Help me, my Saviour!
*Writer(s): Douglas Gamley, Charles Francois Gounod*
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UPLOADED ON Aug 09, 2024
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